Colorado Roughnecks Limited


  • What does Colorado Roughnecks Limited offer ?

    Onsite and over-the-internet drilling and/or completion engineering quality assurance services like well design and well examination.


    We also specialize in new technology development and patenting services for select privately held companies like Oilfield Innovations Limited and Aberdeen Roughnecks Limited.

  • Do you provide new technology services to individuals and companies ?

    No.  We carefully select the individuals and companies that we provide new technology and patent services for to protect everyone's intellectual property rights.


    Additionally, our Drilling and/or Completion consulting services exclude the development of new technology and focus only on the use of existing technologies to prevent conflicts of interest.

  • Do you have the capacity to do small jobs for individuals and companies ?

    Yes, depending on the urgency of your work and the ability to work over the internet.


    We are presently fully booked for the next year or so with work Monday to Friday, but we can perform small well design and engineering quality assurance work at nights and on the weekend if you are willing to work via email over the internet.

  • Do you offer rentals and promotional stays in your Colorado home offices ?

    Yes, people and companies who we work with or know can, depending on availability, rent or stay at our Colorado home offices for short periods of time provided they pay all of their transportation costs.


    We offer a nice place to say in a beautifully scenic area and can offer help from our associates in Colorado to make your trip pleasurable.

  • Why is your company called Colorado Roughnecks when you work in Aberdeen ?

    Our family business is in Oil and Gas Drilling and Completion Business where Roughnecks are the core worker within the industry and we have roots in both Colorado and Aberdeen.  Our consulting business is called Colorado Roughnecks Limited and its sister company is called Aberdeen Roughnecks Limited.


    Finally, we enjoy working in and around the ocean and mountain environments of Scotland and Colorado.

  • Are you hiring ?

    Not presently as we are a small family business.  If we decide to begin hiring we will post it on this website.

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Colorado Roughnecks Limited is an English registered company who performs Drilling and Completion Engineering Consulting Services within the Oil & Gas Industry in Scotland.


The Directors of the Company have roots in both Colorado (USA) and Scotland.


Additionally, the same directors are involved with  our sister company
Aberdeen Roughnecks Limited .


Contact Information

35 Eastside Drive

Westhill, Scotland

AB32 6QN


Tel: 01224-746697


About us

Our services